As ever, the Democratic party cannot let go if its addiction to racialism, parading Kamala Harris as a proud Black woman, despite being of distinctly mixed ethnicity.
Of course, when it was expedient to do so, her Indian heritage was also brought up to score political points. Depending on the circumstances Kamala morphed from Black African-American to Asian Indian-American (was Obama ever called white, though?).

But what does it even mean and why do Democrats love to do this so much?
Well, it's the hope of mobilising the voters, whom the candidate – the message implies – can relate to because of a common ethnic background, suggesting similar upbringing and understanding of its circumstances.
The problem with Harris is, however, that she knows very little of the realities of Black America – poor, ridden with crime and lack of perspectives, as millions of African-Americans inhabits some of the worst neighbourhoods in the country where homicide rates are several times the national average.
Unlike them she was a daughter of a tenured economics professor at Stanford and a biology researcher at Berkeley. She doesn't know what a ghetto is, she didn't suffer the same exclusion and despair, so how can she relate to millions of Black Americans?
Because of the melanin content in her skin, half of which is of Indian stock anyway?

By contrast, Trump's running mate, JD Vance, despite being white like a sheet of paper, was born in circumstances much reminiscent of those suffered by Black Americans.
A white hillbilly boy from a broken family, raised by his grandparents in the frequent absence of a single mother struggling with drug abuse, he knows those hardships first hand.
He climbed the social ladder from near its bottom, landing himself in the passenger seat of a presidential campaign of a billionaire running for his second presidency.

Few people ever dare to admit this, but social issues in America afflict millions of Whites just as they do Blacks. And these people have more in common with each other than they do with Californian elites pretending they know what they're talking about (regardless of their skin colour).

The political left loves to talk about "lived experiences" when it suits its needs but how does Kamala's life compare to the life of an average Black American?
On that scale, JD Vance is a lot more Black than she can ever be.