The hidden genius of Trump’s plan for Gaza
There's a method to the madness.
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SubscribeNobody wants Syria to become a black market for chemical weapons.
Iran wanted to derail Israel's attempts to build alliances with Arab nations, but ended up blowing its own instead.
Stars are aligning for the Republican Party.
America's pace, not direction, may change depending on who wins today.
A useful war can never go to waste.
For the first time, potential risks of Trump's presidency may outweigh the benefits.
Kamala Harris had a much whiter upbringing than JD Vance - at least if we follow Democrats' favourite rhetoric.
If you keep accusing someone of genocide you may actually get it in the end.
Rejected by Democrats, hired for skin colour and put on pedestal without a vote by people who continue to talk how important democracy is.
The US is once again in its typical frenzy, this time following the ruling by the Supreme Court which confirms broad presidential immunity from criminal prosecution for actions within the constitutional prerogatives of the President. The problem is that the ruling is viewed through the lens of the ongoing legal
I'm not sure how well covered the war in Ukraine is outside of Europe these days but the prolonged freeze on American support for the country – and what appears to now be an almost certain collapse of a deal that was supposed to unlock it – is one of