Nobody in the world can twist the language quite like the political left and the absolute masters of the craft are American so-called "Democrats".
In their dictionary:
- abortion is "planned parenthood"
- racial discrimination is "affirmative action"
- illegal aliens are "undocumented immigrants"
and now a DEI appointee who woefully lost her primary challenge for presidency in 2019 is an example of "democracy" in action, claimed by a party who accuses Donald Trump of being a "tyrant".
Let's be clear: nobody wanted Harris to run for presidency, not even the Democratic Party, as exhibited by her poor performance in 2019.
When she dropped out in December of 2019, she polled – among Democrats themselves – at just 4%. About a quarter of what Pocahontas Warren managed at the time, and lagging behind even white Pete Buttgieg.

She was only invited to join Biden's ticket on the basis of her skin colour, little else.
A good-looking, if not well-spoken, diversity hire with mixed heritage was ideal to join a dithering old grandpa running for office.
Her skin colour and background could be used to rally all sorts of voters – from Black to Indian Americans, and even Caribbean / Central American immigrants considering his father was a Black man from Jamaica.
If she had to re-run the primaries again today her performance would have been just as bad as 5 years ago, but the "Democratic" party decided it was the easiest path to replace the walking cadaver they put in charge of the country and who was about to be trashed by Trump in November.
That they now want the nation to vote for someone they wouldn't vote for themselves is a cruel mockery of democracy and a spit in the eye of all voters.
Yeah, listen everyone "please vote for this person we only appointed to look good next to Biden, to now run the entire country".
Joe's bid in 2020 was already an insult to common sense but this is a whole new level of playing politics with complete disregard for the public vote.