Comedian scores a win as the US blinks before Ukraine
Trump's "Art of the Deal" is yet to produce results.
Lorem ultrices malesuada sapien amet pulvinar quis. Feugiat etiam ullamcorper pharetra vitae nibh enim vel.
SubscribeTrump's "Art of the Deal" is yet to produce results.
What we witnessed yesterday in the Oval Office is Trump smashing into the wall of reality.
The only country that would benefit from it is Russia.
There's one common theme in all of Trump's decisions since he took office a month ago - revenge against all those he believes wronged him
Trump's decision to hire two rookies is beginning to backfire.
Putin hopes that by holding isolated talks with Trump he stands a better chance at getting a deal that both EU leaders (+ UK) and Ukraine will treat as fait accompli while blaming the outcome on Washington
Stars are aligning for the Republican Party.
America's pace, not direction, may change depending on who wins today.
Kamala Harris had a much whiter upbringing than JD Vance - at least if we follow Democrats' favourite rhetoric.
Rejected by Democrats, hired for skin colour and put on pedestal without a vote by people who continue to talk how important democracy is.
The US is once again in its typical frenzy, this time following the ruling by the Supreme Court which confirms broad presidential immunity from criminal prosecution for actions within the constitutional prerogatives of the President. The problem is that the ruling is viewed through the lens of the ongoing legal